Tai Emery shot to global fame after flashing her breasts at a BKFC show in Bangkok. In this exclusive video she discusses the reaction and admits she was extremely happy to get a mention from Joe Rogan on his podcast.

Emery is based in Phuket and trains alongside ONE Championship stars Nat Wondergirl and Noelle Grandjean. She celebrated a win at BKFC last year by exposing her breasts and that moment made the Australian a star.

She discusses the reaction and was particularly pleased with the attention she got from Joe Rogan,

“I think to have someone like Joe recognize the technical knockout and the intelligence behind the marketing, that’s probably the biggest compliment I’ve ever received in my life. Joe is a leader who has the confidence to project his own views and that’s a huge compliment. I’ve never squealed before but I definitely squealed, and Joe didn’t even need to put his hands on me!”

Strange situation

She admits that BKFC weren’t particularly happy about it although that didn’t stop them sharing the footage on social media where it went viral. Bangkok is renowned for its red light districts but anyone who has visited Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy might be surprised to learn that Emery had broken the law,

“I definitely got in trouble with David Feldman (BKFC promoter) because it’s illegal for women to show their breasts in Thailand but it’s legal for a ladyboy to show their breasts so a fine was paid. If I’m ever to do that again I’m pretty sure I’d be banned.”

But while it might have been the wrong thing to do from a legal perspective Emery knows it was a shrewd career move,

“I’ve never received so much support and so many messages. I had an influx of sponsors and influx of support, invitations to every single event. It’s been a really crazy ride.”


Pivotal moment

Emery admits she had a premonition that her first ever BKFC fight would be a pivotal moment in her life as well as her career,

“I told everyone that this fight will change my life. I know it.”

Emery also says she was dealing with the global response to her maiden BKFC win at the same time as dealing with some serious sounding injuries. It sound like scoring a knockout in a bare knuckle fight took its toll on her hands,

“It’s a weird felling because you are on top of the world but you can’t even open a beer for yourself.”